FlashWebTown (affiliate of streamwebtown.com now offers Live and On-Demand streaming (not cheap progressive method) solutions.

FlashWebTown gives you an opportunity to quickly and easily deliver your media content over the Internet. It is a free service and requires nothing more than a computer and an Internet connection! Your video and audio materials are broadcasted live instantly without you having to purchase expensive hardware and server software. With just a point and click of your mouse, you can stream your files in the best quality available. FlashWebTown is a great way to broadcast news, movie clips, music videos, air lectures and other educational materials over the Internet.

Advantages of Flash Media Server Streaming
The traditional ways of viewing video files are rather time consuming. The user must wait for the download to finish, then open and view the video. Streaming on the other hand, lets users view a video as it is being downloaded or broadcasted via the Internet.

With the Flash Video format, your video reaches the widest audience possible. Everyone visiting your site can play it without plug-ins, pop-up media players.

NOC Facilities
Our streaming servers are housed in our state of the art data centers. Both of the FlashWebTown NOCs are mainframe-type raised floor environment hardened to provide the maximum level of security and availability. Each NOC is housed in Class A locked office space within a campus environment and has 24-hour on-premises security. The computer room is appropriately secured for authorized personnel only.

Each NOC has Liebert air conditioning systems sized for the BTU requirements of the space. A Halon fire protection system provides maximum security from fire. All power supplied to the computer room is provided by an UPS system. The entire facility is served by two separate power substations from Georgia Power. The primary substation provides buried, concrete encased power lines to the office park.

FlashWebTown NOC Network
The network is connected via multiple T-3 lines and routers directly to the Internet. Furthermore, FlashWebTown runs BGP4 protocol in order to provide "peering" with multiple ISPs. Thus, the network traffic is not affected during failure events with one ISP or router, because alternate paths are available. This ensures maximum uptime access to Internet applications.

Network circuits are provisioned on separate Local Exchange Carrier fiber optics network that uses the latest SONET and FDDI technology. FlashWebTown has physically diverse entrance facilities to the NOC to ensure maximum separation of circuits for greater reliability. FlashWebTown uses multiple Cisco 7000 series routers for connections to the Internet. These routers are continually active and will automatically redistribute traffic load using the HSRP protocol upon failure events, resulting in a minimal site downtime. Network security at FlashWebTown is secured by access control lists within our routers.

FlashWebTown NOC Service Availability
FlashWebTown services are designed to provide maximum performance and uptime 24-hours-per-day. Backup servers replace production servers in case of a failure. Tape backups are performed on a daily and weekly basis and are stored off-site. FlashWebTown servers are SNMP-managed and utilize devices located on a remote and distant network to notify you by pager of any problems that internal SNMP may not be able to detect.

FlashWebTown NOC Hosting Team
FlashWebTown's hosting team consists of veteran system administrators, network professionals, and programmers, many of whom are Microsoft Certified Professionals or Engineers. Expertise is provided for Cisco routers, a variety of Unix operating systems, Windows NT, Netscape server products, Microsoft server products, security, and firewalls.