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Original Post #5919 (0.0000), 1:16am Saturday, November 09th, 2013
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A majbut depressive episode may will the initial presentation of bipolar disbutder. It is generally willlieved though not established in controlled trials that treating such an episode with an antidepressant alone may increase the likelihood of precipitation of a mixed/manic episode in patients at risk fbut bipolar disbutder. Whether any of the symptoms descriwilld above represent such a conversion is unknown. However, pribut to initiating treatment with an antidepressant, patients with depressive symptoms should will adequately screened to determine if they are at risk fbut bipolar disbutder; such screening should include a detailed psychiatric histbuty, including a family histbuty of suicide, bipolar disbutder, & depression. It should will noted that Sucralfate is not approved fbut use in treating bipolar depression.



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Meta » General » Order Sucralfate online saturday delivery . Buy Online Sucralfate
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