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Original Post #15523 (0.0000), 11:07am Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
NRi: 0.2500
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Post #15524 (0.0000), 11:08am Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
NRi: 0.2500
But I will say this, I will never take high doses of this drug ever. All seems perfectly normal. My pores are shrinking and my oil is more like a normal human at this point.5 months ago I was on Roaccutane for 6 months at 50mg per day. Well, I am in love with this drug, fear and all.. I made the commitment when I started that if low dose didnt work then tough luck. To Rosaceans, yesterday was flush free, and also, Acne Vulgaris seems to be in hiding. I can no longer even tell I am taking this drug. However his response on this matter is your lips will eventually return to normal. I have had acne to long on my nose. Isotretinoin 20 mg. However, Accutane is like a chemical facial. Blotches are already lighter than before and getting better as we go on.. So, inspite of the fear I am one happy camper.Accutane is used to treat severe nodular acne. Now I know this could all go bad overnite so I am not going to get to euphoric and tell someone to run out and get on this drug. Now, my face is never gonna be scar free without some intervention of some kind. One more thing, the stories about diminished sex drive may be true, but for me so far that is not the case. But I am hopeful that my derm may consider micro-dose long term if it will help manage my Rosacea and Acne Vulgaris. I have read at least 3 to 4 hundred hours on this subject. I have no side effects at all, not even dry lips. I am in shock that this drug could be so rapidly effective. Stay strong . This could be helping the results along. At this point I cant really list a single problem. Now it should be noted that I have stopped a lot of other behavior as well. It is the only side effect remaining from the Roaccutane. I have had a few minor pimples that have come out of the skin and been washed away. Low dose is the answer in my opinion. It is usually given after other acne medicines or antibiotics have been tried without successful treatment of symptoms. Well thats all for now folks, I think I will take my almost oil free face out into the world for a few errands. Ever since my lips have been dry and chapped. My dermatologist who placed me on the medication says it is due to persistant thinning of the oral mucosa. To many questions out there still even after almost 30 years of data collected on this drug. I still take it at night before bed with a small meal. I have tried everything including Bactroban, GLA supplements, Flaxseed oil, Vitamin E, Hydrocortisone, Locoid lipocream and many other lip balms, salves and ointments and nothing seems to be helping! I am a healthy 20 year old male with no history of medical problems. Well its the morning of day 9 and I have taken 8 Acctuane pills for a total cumlative dose of 160 milligrams. I have mildly insignificant micro flaking of the skin

This post's rating: 0.0000
Post #15525 (0.0000), 11:08am Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
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