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Original Post #15439 (0.0000), 9:11am Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
NRi: 0.2500
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Post #15440 (0.0000), 9:11am Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
NRi: 0.2500
I have been to a dermatologist and have tried many treatments, but I'm not really sure what type of acne I have. To Kevin 4/5/00 - I also have gotten dry red spots/patches on my arms and hands, Im just moisturizing like crazy. . The doctor has tried many topical treatments, I think several pills including Accutane, and lastly, he has simply cut into the skin and "scooped out" the stuff under my skin. Also, my knees and lower back are hurting too. The only one that I noticed any results with was when he went in and scooped out the stuff under my skin. The doc said it was just too strong of a birth control pill for me. While the advisory committee did not express certainty that a causal relationship exists between Accutane and serious psychiatric events such as severe depression and suicide, they recognized that the potential for adverse psychiatric events is of substantial concern.I am in my 6th week of accutane and am just starting to notice minor improvement, although the oil production on my face decreased immediately. The advisory committee recommended a number of strategies to help manage this potential risk.. Thanks!!!!!!!!. I dont know if this s from the Accutane or from some autoimmune problem lupus or rheumatoid arthritis - which I have been thought to possibly have for close to 10 years now. My BIG question is has anyone else experienced joint pain as a side effect. Ordering Accutane online. Regarding Ortho-Tricyclene - I was on this for a couple of months and not only did it not help my acne but it made my cycle heavier, more chest soreness, etc. None of these approaches have worked long term. One person said that Accutane always gives you red skin, and I have not gotten that at all. About 3 weeks into my accutane, both heels started hurting and have gotten worse for the last 3 weeks

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Post #15441 (0.0000), 9:12am Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
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Post #15443 (0.0000), 9:13am Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
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Meta » General » Ordering Accutane online - Isotretinoin online no prescription - Accutane products
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