Today I want to talk about my absolute passion: hörbücher. Audiobooks have been a part of my daily life for a while now, and I can't get enough of them. In this post I want to share my enthusiasm and hope that you will share your favorite audio books with me.

I came across audiobooks when I was looking for a way to complete my reading list without missing out on my daily routine. It's a real game changer! Whether I'm stuck in traffic, taking a walk in the park, or cleaning my apartment, with a good audiobook every minute becomes precious reading time.

Now I'm excited to see your favorites! What audio books have interested you recently? Whether it's horror, fantasy or non-fiction – let me know. I'm always looking for new treasures for my playlists.

Do you have any tips for finding the best audiobooks? I'm always looking for new platforms or insider tips to expand my collection.