Start Streaming your Videos in Just a Few Clicks of the Mouse.
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series
Download the 32-bit version of Windows Media Encoder 9 Series for Windows 2000 and Windows XP and Windows Vista.
Windows Media Encoder 9 for x64 Edition
Download the 64-bit version of Windows Media Encoder 9 Series for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, and Windows Vista.

A. Go to Start, Program and in Windows Media folder choose Windows Media Encoder:
B. For streaming already existing data, choose Custom Session option.

A. Choose 'file' option and browse the item/items you want to stream.
B. Chosen items will be listed under Source column, on the left side of the window. You also have an option of specifying weather you want your files to stream continuously or stop at the end by choosing appropriate item in the drop down menu next to "At end" field.

A. Once you are finished choosing the files you wish to stream, click on Output Tab.

B. At output Tab, Make sure to click the check box next to "Push to Server (connectivity is initiated by the encoder), the, type address:

C. For publishing point, specify the desired name for Publishing Point.
NOTE: If you try to use a Publishing Point name that is already in use, the application will not work. You will need to specify a different name.

D. Click the 'Apply' button.
 E. The program will prompt you for username and password. Enter following:
F. Click OK and then OK again.

G. Finally, click the Start Streaming button (green button on the top) to start streaming.
H. You can view your streaming at: